Thursday, March 02, 2006

I see seeds...

...all over my place. I just noticed I haven't done any sowings this year and it might be too late for chili already. Great.
So I opened the box, actually three of them (ahem) and this is what I found: 267 packets of seeds. I have a faintest idea of someone calling me silly, but I really didn't remember having so many of them. An announcement: I shall be called Taiga the Squirrel from now on.



Dave said...

I have just one box, with not quite as many packets in, but as I currently don't have a garden, I may be just as silly. I do have lots of pots (and even more next year, I guess).

Taiga the Fox said...

Our shelves and window sills will certainly be crowded soon too. Last year I started a project to build up a cottage garden, so I just had to buy more and more and more...

Anonymous said...

Did you sow Clematis macropetala yet?

Taiga the Fox said...

No, I've been so lazy. Actually all the Canadians are still in their packets...