The 5th day inside.
Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with the food?
The Shoehorn of Venice
About Orlando
I grabbed a random book for the work commute and it turned out to be
Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, which I’m pretty sure last read in the dying days
of the T...
3 hours ago
The banana looks a little past its prime. Perhaps my friend Rudolph would like it.
Oh! Oh! Oh!
Well well well, hello there Rudolph.
Unfortunately it's already resting peacefully in the bananaheaven.
This is very bizarre! I hope all you Foxes get to go outside soon...
This has been quite a frustrating day. The cubs have still a very high fever, so we couldn't get out :(
Thanks IP, I haven't heard the first one ever before. Roald Dahl is very well read here :)
Oh, the kids can't any English yet, and my English is very far from perfect...
Taiga, Taiger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night,
Can't you at least pay lip service
To carbon emission reduction and
Rainforest destruction?
[After Blake]
In what distant weeps or skies.
Burnt the tears of thine eyes?
On what [green] wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare sieze the fire?
Ahh, there are quite large bits I don't understand. In fact I begin to think it is just the life I don't understand...
The cubs are slightly better and their amount is two [if I haven't failed in counting].
I hope the cubs get well so they can soon be released into the wild again...under adult supervision of course.
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