Valokuvatorstain 18. haaste on viesti, merkki, logo, ikoni.
Kuvasin viime viikolla vanhoja keloja, jotka olivat saaneet uudet vaatteet. "AOI" oli viestin syvin olemus, mitäpä sitten tarkoittaakaan?
The 18th challenge of "Valokuvatorstai" is a message, a sign, a logo, an icon.
Last week I took some photos of these old pines, dressed in the new shiny outfits. AOI was the message, whatever that might be?
About Orlando
I grabbed a random book for the work commute and it turned out to be
Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, which I’m pretty sure last read in the dying days
of the T...
17 hours ago
Tämä on myös omalla tavallaan hyvinkin kertova, täynnä viestejä, piilosellaisiakin.
Olet saanut ruman näyttämään kauniilta joka tapauksessa. (Suren vain luonnon töhrimistä.)
So true.
Minäkin mieluummin katselen kelojen kauniinharmaata pintaa...
Mimi, Taiga said something about her eyes prefer snagging something on the surface. It's all Dutch to me.
Well, Mari said she thinks this is filled with messages, even hidden ones. Kirsi says I have made the ugly look beautiful, but she feels sorry for the nature elements being spoilt like that. And I said I'd prefer seeing the beautiful, original grey surface of the snags as well.
(Well done, Dave, by the way)
I do my best. Languages aren't my strong point, especially Finnish.
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