Valokuvatorstain 25. haaste on valkoinen. Nyt on Helsingissä ihan mustaa, joten kuva on viime helmikuulta, kun valkoinen oli niin valkoista, että silmiin sattui.
icy swing
Originally uploaded by Taiga the Fox.
It's Thursday again and a time for a Photo challenge. This weeks theme is white and because it's all black in Helsinki now, I'm using a photo from last February, when the whiteness around us hurt our eyes.
About Listen
At the urging of expat@large, one of the faithful from the days when
Blogging Was A Thing, I have been reading Michel Faber’s Listen: On Music,
Sound and...
5 hours ago
Riippuu vähän missä päin Helsinkiä ollaan. Täällä ikkunasta katsoen maa on valkois:)
Technically, not much of that picture is white, is it?
Kaunis kuva, hieno rajaus. Näin viime yönä unta, että olin matkustanut jouluksi Suomeen, ja katselin Helsingin keskustan jouluvaloja ja korkeita hankia. Taitaa olla vähän kotimaaikävä.
Hello T!
Just letting you know that i posted your cards yesterday and they should be making their way to Finland as we speak...if they don't arrive by the end of next week, let me know!
Kirsi ja Tuuli, voi kun olisikin lunta maassa. Masentaa tämä ankea mustuus...
Dave, well techically you're right, but it intrests me how we treat some things too obvious, like: it is snow and snow is white, so therefore it must be white. In fact, because white itself isn't a colour and it reflects all the colours, it isn't white. That white is more like blue, because it is reflecting the blue of the sky, but still it is white. Sort of.
Mimi, thanks! The cards arrived today! They were wonderful :)
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