Monday, November 20, 2006

Three things to take with you when it's November in Helsinki

If you have to be in Finland on some Monday in November, make sure you'll have at least these:

1. A light therapy lamp (or two)
2. Gore-tex shoes
3. Some strawberry cake and two glasses of cristal castellblanch during the working hours


Alcuin Bramerton said...

Where is Finland? And what is it for?

Dave said...

It's for making mobile phones, isn't it?

CT said...


Taiga the Fox said...

Yes, Finland is for foxing mobile phones, Formula 1 drivers and fish slapping.

Anonymous said...

What happened? Where did the fish slapping video go?

Anonymous said...

Yes what happened to the movie?
The soundtrack was great!

Taiga the Fox said...

Ah, they are slapping the fish where the hund is having it's camping trip. Probably somewhere near the steppens of Uzbekistan. I saw it there anyway.