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Crikey. I Just came across something I posted 18 years ago, when I’d just
joined Twitter, which was so new I had to explain what it was. I called it
3 days ago
For Devon's sake, she lives in Hellsinski
Taiga, you're on brilliantly nutty (boom boom, geddit?) (*hopes Toblerone has nuts*) form, but why oh why has it taken me till today to discover this little gem?
[Begins to suffer Tobleregret from the night before]
Loved it (and I don't just mean last night's Toblerone) :)
I wept as I watched this.
Whether that is because of the needles they stuck in my eye last week, or the dramatic urgency of the story, well, who knows?
Genius :)
ps perhaps you could forward it to Amy Winehouse?
Thank you BiB, there are many nuts left in my case. Oh, do you really mean you haven't noticed the Superlon films earlier? Blimety blimey.
Opc, I think you deseved your Toblerone .) In fact without it this non-educational-flm wouldn't exist at all.
Dave, it must be the needles.
M-C, if she changes her name to Amy Toblerhose I will.
Tobleriffic, Tobler-fox.
I feel guilty about eating chocolate animals, so I suppose chocolate companies ought not to make substitute steaks and cutlets for vegetarians as an alternative for meat. Does my insanity know no bounds?
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