Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Teflon Christmas Calendar 6

Door 6, clickety-click.


Sopwith-Camel said...

Full fathom five
My father lies
Beneath a Custard sea

Dave said...

That has put me off my breakfast.

Taiga the Fox said...

Well, we had that for dinner.

Dave said...

Did everyone have to wait for hours, while it cooled, so you could set up your photos?

Taiga the Fox said...

Cooled? I took the photo while it was still steaming hot (and nobody saw what Mom did).

Annie said...

Hello, found you through Patroclus - I love your advent calender, it's pure genius.

Taiga the Fox said...

Hello Annie, nice to see you here in the Fox earth. And thank you very much.

Taiga the Fox said...

Erm, Sopwith-camel, sorry. Mr.Finnhund-Fox said I missed your excellent Shakespeare-comment. Unfortunately it made me think too much about custard, so if any of you wants an answer, please don't use words like custard, chocolate or ice-cream in your comments. In that case I won't comment anything, because I'm munching something sweet somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Mmm, I WANT cheesy mountain. Make me a cheesy mountain.

Taiga the Fox said...

That is actually Mr Fox's ve-ry secret fattening recipe, but we'll see what I can do if you're coming to Helsinki some day.

Anonymous said...

Perkele. Haluan mennä Helsingiin tänään. Haluan juustotori. No, is tori tower? Still, cheese-tower will do. I want cheese-tower.

Taiga the Fox said...

If you want a juustotori, you shall have a cheese market place. That'll be quite easy to do, I suppose...

Anonymous said...

Hurrah, a cheese market-place to go along with my shelf!

Taiga the Fox said...

Voi Bib, sinä juustotorihylly!

Anonymous said...

Taigalle, paljon kiitoksia juustotorihyllystäsi. Onko se minun taigajoulupukkigiftini? Olen hyvin onni. Onnissimi.

Anonymous said...

...and have you seen this:

Taiga the Fox said...

Oh, the complaint choir! It is brilliant and made by two very talented Finnish artists Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen, as well as the other three choirs. Here's a new link to the complaint choirs home page.

Actually I think I had a link to the YouTube version of the video. It's somewhere there on the ancient stuff, maybe in August...