Tuesday, April 01, 2008

It's spring!

It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring!... [bling]
I want these wallstickers! [/bling]... It's spring! It's spring! It's spring! It's spring!


Anonymous said...

I went to the supermarket yesterday... WITHOUT A JACKET. See you next week for sunbathing in Berlin. Pack a bikini. (Oh god, I must lose 10kg.)

Dave said...

The sun shone here yesterday.

I'm heading 600 miles north for my summer holiday at the end of the month. Too much sun is bad for one.

Occasional Poster of Comments said...

Spring seems to have sprung here too :) Some lovely weather today (at last).

Those stickers are great - really tempted to get some of the cut-out window ones and stick them up in random places...

Anonymous said...


Claire said...

Spring is here, well almost, it peeps around the corner and then hides and tries again a couple of days later. Keep trying Spring you're welcome to stay.

Taiga the Fox said...

BiB, oh heck, I must e-mail you about my coordinates. Well, if I stuff all my flab in bikini you will definitely find me standing somewhere in Kreuzberg anyway. What kind of bikini you've got?

Dave, summer holiday in April?
Where are you heading to? Is your girlfriend in the picture travelling with you?

OPC, it really looked like it's wonderfully springlike there. That light in your photos... just beautiful.

Tara, welcome! Nice to see you here :)

Kissa, I bet it's almost summer there, compared to us :)

Anonymous said...

Cancel the bikini. I've packed my mankini away until later in the year. Shit northern European weather is back.

Taiga the Fox said...

BiB, I will back some sunshine in my bag. And possible some smoke billowing in from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.