Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Neurovision Bong Contest

Yesterday I kicked a few blogposts around my mind. The ice-cream kiosks were opened and the seagulls were shitting around again. Should I write about it I wondered, but there wasn't much else exciting to scribble about.

Also there was the fact bothering me, that I have knowingly skated around the slippery sweep called the Eurovision Song Contest.
If I would be a normal Finnish citizen I should have gone over and over and over and over on that subject here, whilst wearing a chirpy hat with two overhanging fabric hands carrying national flags.

I thought about it hard. The only thing I wanted to say was the fact that I kind of hoped that the visual image and the ambience of the show would be as hilarious as the moment when a post- soviet wooden doll meets the electric hedge trimmer, mainly because Mr Fox knows well some private parts of one designer designing the face of the upcoming hullaballoo, so there wasn't much to tell you about that.

So, there I sat, staring at the blank computer screen when I heard it again.
Loituma and their fabulous song Ieva's Polka (Classic), which I had thought about introducing you much earlier, but forgot. I tried to find out their space on their My Space and here it is. I listened to it. I moved on. Three hours later I was still listening to it. Eventually the quiet waters of that innocent song sucked me somewhere so deep that if there is a Kuril-Kamchatka Trench in the Internet, I was there.


Dave said...

Very haunting.

miss-cellany said...

I'd never wanted to mention it, not knowing if the hype here was really as big there as it was portrayed to be. I guess the answer is kind of yes and kind of no...

But what I really want to know is if they ever appeared any where without the maks on?

Anonymous said...

>>Yesterday I kicked a few blogposts around<<

Why would anyone do that?

Anonymous said...

I know.

That wasn't a very nice thing to do.

Occasional Poster of Comments said...

Ah, they probably deserved it.

Sorry, it's been a while :) And old avoidance habits die hard.

Anonymous said...

Who are you calling old?

Anonymous said...

Never mind that, he's threatening to kill us.

Anonymous said...


[both scarper]

Occasional Poster of Comments said...


Thanks for the songs. I really like the other one, too, Missing Him. Which reminds me, I still haven't checked out those new bands on your profile.

No, no, no. Must... do... some... work...

Sopwith-Camel said...

I like the idea of kicking posts around, we tend to mollycoddle them too much.

Albert and Lucy, good to hear from you again!

Taiga the Fox said...

Dave, my blog post, the song or both?

M-C, well, the hype kind of is / was enermously big, because Finland never had won the competition before [no wonder why was that]. At least Lordi is pictured everywhere: on post packet covers, lemonade bottles and Lordi Sour Fruit candy assortment.

They are apparently not appearing anywhere without their masks. Mr Lordi was invited by Mrs President to her Independence Day ball, but he didn't accept the invitation, because he didn't want to show his real face. (Ahem. Search Tomi Putaansuu from google images, if you want to see him without the mask. Ahem. )

Lucy! Albert! Do you know how much I have missed you two? I wouldn't ever kick such nice blog posts around.

OPC. Don't check out any music. Write Resnick. Obey.

S-C, mollycoddle? Oh dear,you English people and your words.

Sopwith-Camel said...

I know, Taiga, we're an awkward race. So many words, so little rhyme.

Dave said...

I was thinking of the song, but would be delighted if you thought I was tenebrous (or just ambiguous, cryptic, enigmatic, obscure, or even just plain vague)

Annie said...

I have to go to a Eurovision party dressed in 'the traditional dress of the country you support.' I do not support the UK, as I do not wish to dress as a pearly king or queen Is the Finnish national dress any good?

Taiga the Fox said...

Oh dear, yep. Well, we've got plenty but they all look pretty much like these.