Sunday, April 01, 2007

A freaky window

Can you hear us?
Originally uploaded by Taiga the Fox.

and some other boring landscape photos uploaded


Dave said...

Very spooky. I don't think I'm coming to Finland for my holiday this year, now.

Anonymous said...

Those dolls with plastic scalps and the eyes that close when you lay them horizontal are the worst.


Taiga the Fox said...

Dave, yes, we do only have those tiny wooden cabin hotels (upstairs filled with silently shouting dolls), so if you can choose Rome or Athens, I suggest you do it.

Wynders, hey again :) Have you ever seen these?

CT said...

Blimey that is a bit scary! Great photo though. I like your shots of windows. Sorry i haven't paid you a visit for a while but i am back now:)

Dave said...

I'm going to Eden, instead. Nothing scary there.

Taiga the Fox said...

Mimi, thanks and welcome back :) I haven't been visiting any blogs for many days, because the whole fox family is/has been really ill, but hopefully soon enough I'll be back too...

Dave, look out for snakes and apples, though. I want to visit Eden too!

Dave said...

Hope the foxes are all better soon.

Occasional Poster of Comments said...

Didn't realise you'd been ill. But anyway, glad to see you're feeling better :)

Liam has two frankly disturbing dolls in his house (a real house, not a dollshouse). I was going to photograph them to show you, but then I thought, no, you're probably better off without those two lurking somewhere at the back of your mind.

Taiga the Fox said...

Thanks Dave, we are much better now...

OPC, I quite appreciate not seeing those. Don't tell Liam, but he looks bit like one who has some frankly disturbing dolls in his house. Oh, I just said it to the whole blogosphere. Bugger.